On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 18:25 +0100, Boris Unckel wrote:
> Hello Robert,
> robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > the java 2 model causes issues with J2ME, embedded applications and some
> > containers which be found on clients and the failure of very many
> > container and framework vendors to create applications that adhere to
> > this specification causes the majority of problems users experience with
> > JCL. 
> >   
> I have searched the JSRs several times but I did not find any 
> requirement, recommendation for J2EE
> classloader delegation modells. Could you provide an URL/PDF and exact 
> page where to read this?
> I am interested both in the EJB-Container and the Servlet/JSP-Container 
> part.

references are given in

the difficulties arise from the conflicts between the original java 2
era specifications (including the servlet specification) and the later
ones including the various later J2EE era specifications. 

- robert

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