On 7/20/06, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > As far as the arguments about getting new contributors in, I would
> > like to hear from them.

That's an excellent idea..

Yup. James Ring is one of those, so his reply was quite a surprise (for me).

Maybe a better email would be:

Contributors - we want to give you commit access and get you involved
- what can we do to help get you involved and active so we can then
say "yes, this person is committed".

Apache Directory are experimenting with having committers mentoring
new contributors into the project having recognised that they're
seeing things start to slow down. Not too sure of that, we're all
sitting down and doing this at the end of the day because it's fun.
Then again, this isn't much different from the Google Summer of Code
concept, except that that's only open to students.

My biggest concern is with code direction. Andrew Shirley has done
lots of good work with CLI on the issue tracker (and James too), but
until we had some kind of direction for CLI I was very hesitant to be
nominating someone to become a committer and then having them just be
stuck on their own.

A later concern is what will happen to commons-dev as we get even more
moving. Let's say we double the number of active committers - will
commons-dev start to feel cramped again?

I'm also concerned with the noise that a release creates. If we want
to release often (and not the multiple year releases we have tended
towards), can we do that without creating noise that drowns out the
code? Maybe having nightly builds is good enough for the release
often. Commons libraries are at the heart of projects dependency lists
so who wants to have to update all the time.

Back to coding or releasing or something :)


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