Henri Yandell wrote on Friday, July 21, 2006 2:16 AM:

> A while back Maven moved to having the commits and issues on different
> mailing lists and it seems to be going well.
> So I'd like to suggest:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - reply-to to commons-dev
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     - reply-to to commons-dev

+1 (although I am not sure if we really need two lists for auto generated stuff)

> I think the wiki notifications should stay on the dev list as they're
> relatively low in number and they don't require any kind of restricted
> authentication to get involved with. Any contributor can hop in and
> fix a spelling mistake.

Even this ones I would send to commits or issues.

> The obvious worry is over new committers not subscribing to those
> lists. Firstly we can obviously make a point of mentioning that to new
> committers - but mostly I think the number of Re: svn commit and Re:
> [JIRA] emails that will appear will make them wonder what they're
> missing. 

Well, I would expect committers to be subscribed to all of them.

> Another advantage of the above just happened on the Tomcat list. A
> mistake by a committer caused 2700 svn commits to be sent out (to
> nearly 1000 subscribers). The ASF mail server took a good many hours
> to recover - most of the day I think. So both those kind of errors,
> and the large JIRA reorgs we've been doing would be hitting less
> people. 
> One question:
> Do we automatically subscribe everyone on dev@ and let them
> unsubscribe. Or start the lists empty.

Subscribe all.

Main reason for my vote is not the reduced amount of mail, but the much easier 
searchability of the archives. I've sometimes already given up to dig a mail, 
just because the hit list was cluttered with this automated stuff. Since JIRA 
also has good search capabilities the notifications don't have to stay at 

- Jörg

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