On 2/7/07, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Couple of thoughts intermixed.  A key one is whether "inactive" and "heading
for dormancy" should mean the same thing.  A stable library used by other
projects, with no significant bugs, seems to fit the former descriptor,
while a project nobody uses or cares about would certainly fit the latter.
That kind of distinction is not clear in your first crack at ranking these

On 2/6/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I made a stab of defining the current status for Commons for the
> Jakarta board report:
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-current
> Here's the summary. Any thoughts on the ?? marks and the dormancy
> candidates? Feel free to add things to the wiki page. I've not added
> all of this yet.
> Attributes - Needs a new release, after that a dormancy candidate.
> BeanUtils - Inactive. 1.8.0 slowly being worked on.
> Betwixt - Just released.
> Chain - ??

Inactive but stable.  Used by a few projects (including Shale) and
libraries, but not widespread.  Limited in scope due to awkard support for
conditional processing, so not likely to be aggressively enhanced (at least
by me ... others may disagree :-).

+1 - from memory could do with a release just to improve the pom
(provided scope) and make life easier for m2 users - also I think
theres a couple of tickets I didn't have time to look at (catalog
support on features I don't use) for the last release. I'll probably
look at doing this once another component(s) has taken the m2 plunge
with a release.

Rather than inactive or dormant I think a label like "maintenance
mode" is better for something like this - someone prepared to maintain
it (e.g. me) but no ongoing development, inactive/dormant implies
abandonned in my mind.

CLI - Inactive. Dormancy candidate?
> Codec - Inactive.
> Collections - Inactive - new releases discussed but not much movement.

Some work started on a JDK 1.5 version in the sandbox a few months back.

> Configuration - Active.
> Daemon - ?? Dormancy candidate?
> DBCP - 1.2.2 release in the works.
> DbUtils - 1.1 release made. No plans for 1.2.
> Digester - ??

Recently had a 1.8 release to clean up memory leaks and a few other bugs.
For a 1.x release it seems like you could call it stable.  But the
architectural approach (including its dependence on the six year old
BeanUtils architecture) could certainly use a remodel.

Do you have a suggestion/idea on what you would replace BeanUtils with?

Discovery - 0.4 release made, nothing new planned. Dormancy candidate.
> EL - ?? Dormancy candidate?

The specific EL version this implemented was before the separation of the
JSP 2.1 / JSF 1.2 expression language APIs into their own spec.  Ideally,
this library would become an implementation of that API ... otherwise
dormancy seems reasonable.

Email - Maybe a 1.1 release in the works. Not much activity yet.
> FileUpload - 1.2 release in the works.
> IO - 1.3 just released.
> Jelly - ?? Dormancy candidate?

Maven1 users don't count as a pretty large audience?

Jexl - ?? Dormancy candidate?
> JXPath - ?? Dormancy candidate?
> Lang - 2.3 release in the works.
> Launcher - Inactive. Dormancy candidate.
> Logging - Needs a 1.1.1 release, no plans beyond that.
> Math - Slow activity.
> Modeler - Inactive - dormancy?

Better ask the Tomcat folks, since they use (used?) it.

Net - New JDK 1.5 version in the works.
> Pool - New version in the works.
> Primitives - Inactive. Dormancy candidate?
> SCXML - Active, just released.
> Transaction - Release being discussed.
> Validator - Active.
> VFS - Active and releasing.
> Dormant - Nothing likely to leave dormancy.
> Sandbox - Nothing that looks like moving to proper anytime soon. Some
> for dormancy (finder, id).


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