Where should I put it / add my key?

Sorry, no idea where they are supposed to go in commons.

You could just put the file in the top level of the project for now
and move it later if need be?


http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/commons/proper/jci/tags/1.0- RC2/KEYS.txt

> Also where is the web-site?

Sorry - thought that was obvious :)

I had assumed that the web-site was also to be reviewed before being
published, as some other projects do it that way.

Well, not sure it's worth the effort until you maintain one for multiple versions.

I don't think there is any need to have sha1 and md5 digests of the asc files.

That's the maven way I think

http://people.apache.org/builds/cocoon/org/apache/cocoon/cocoon-core/ 2.2.0-RC1/

The RAT report shows that there are quite a few non-trivial files that
don't yet have Apache License headers - these should really be fixed
before release.

Ehm ...what are those!? I only see the pom's, the properties files and the package.html files without ASL header.
I would consider those trivial.

It would be better if the Javadocs link opened in a new window,
otherwise the navigation panel is lost. Likewise the two Xref links.


I can look into that. But as the site is not part of the release that should not block the release.


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