Sigs and hashes check fine, but I had to grab your key from  Make sure to add this
under JCI somewhere (see below)

* I think that for consistency and at least to provide a definitive
location for the release artifacts, KEYS, and release notes, we should
continue the practice of rolling combined zips/tarballs and putting
these on the mirrors under /dist/jakarta-commons.  The separate jars
in [cli] are pretty small, so the "who needs what" issue is not really
a big one here, IMO.

** It is not clear to me how to build the binaries from the provided
sources.  The *sources* jars contain java source code. Do I need to
unpack this code with a common root and use the pom in
/org/apache/commons/commons-jci/1.0/commons-jci-1.0.pom?  I think we
should provide either a conventional source distribution or some
instructions on how to unpack and build the sources

* by itself is not a showstopper for me, but ** is.  I think a basic
requirement that we have is that release binaries can be built from
the sources in our distributions.  In the m1 days, we used to say
"maven clean dist" or at least "ant clean dist" needs to work from the
unpacked source distribution.  I don't care if it is a shell script,
ant, maven, or provided instructions, but users should have an obvious
and effective way to build from the sources in our releases.  Sorry if
I am just missing the obvious way to do this using m2.


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