On 13/06/07, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/13/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * tar.gz files match zips for structure.

What does that mean?

> In Opera I got broken images on this page.
> http://people.apache.org/~jochen/commons-io/site/changes-report.html

You are right, this is


I suggest that I fix this manually in the deployed site.

> Same on this useless looking report (in that it will always be out of date):
> http://people.apache.org/~jochen/commons-io/site/jira-report.html

Again, I have no problem to remove it from the deployed site.

> Personally I feel that when voting on a new rc dist, the previous +1s
> still count (by lazyness) and its really about converting the -1s over
> to +1s.

That's interesting. If others feel the same, then I'd like to see this
fixed somewhere. I'll bring up a different thread on that.

> I'm -1 with respect to the md5s. Presuming you did them by hand, it's
> something you can easily fix without rerolling anything. Even if not,
> I'd just fix them by hand anyway.

Ok, as you are the second one asking for it, I've changed it. Same for
the .sha1 files.

I think the MD5 standard is:

32 chars checksum
single space
* (for binary) or space (for ascii)

so in theory there should be a * after the space for most of the md5 files.

Not sure if (m)any programs insist on this.


> I'm -0 on the validator bit meaning a reroll. I dislike how Maven1
> puts the site in the binary and am looking forward to doing a Maven2
> build and finding a way to only put the real docs in the binary
> (javadoc, release notes and user guide).

That's a matter of opinion. I for my part do like if the site is included.


"Besides, manipulating elections is under penalty of law, resulting in
a preventative effect against manipulating elections.

The german government justifying the use of electronic voting machines
and obviously  believing that we don't need a police, because all
illegal actions are forbidden.


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