Hi Jochen,

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
> Eran Chinthaka wrote:
>> Can we please not commit IDE specific stuff in to the code base.
> Why not? I'm always glad if I do checkout stuff and it is immediately
> ready for use. And I can't find that it disturbs other users?

I object this for couple of reasons.

1. There are lot of non-eclipse users who are checking out/in code (FYI
: most of the axiom devs are *not* using eclipse). So why bother we
checking out eclipse junk :)

2. As Ajith also had already mentioned, maven helps you to generate the
relevant IDE specific stuff.

3. Some one can declare a variable in Eclipse, pointing to his folder
and can accidentally commit that in to svn.

4. If some one is having a customized version of .project and .classpath
files, they always gets conflicts, which is un-necessary, IMO.

5. None or most of the WS project do not have IDE specific committed so
far. Eg : Axis2, axiom, neethi, etc.,

Hope those reasons will help to justify not to commit IDE specific stuff
in to the code.

-- Chinthaka

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