How about because it creates major difficulties for other developers on the same IDE who don't happen to use your conventions? This also creates a problem with keeping everything up to date - how are developers who don't use a particular IDE supposed to check that the files are still correct after making changes (which may include changes to the actual directory structures and such).

I think it's a great idea to have IDE-specific project files available - but don't put them in the root directory of the SVN image. Instead, set up a subdirectory for the IDEs. That way you can update them whenever you change your instance of the project, but other users are only effected if they copy the files out of the subdirectory. Would you have any objection to a subdirectory for IDE files, Eran?

 - Dennis

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

Eran Chinthaka wrote:

> Can we please not commit IDE specific stuff in to the code base.

Why not? I'm always glad if I do checkout stuff and it is immediately ready for use. And I can't find that it disturbs other users?


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