Dennis Sosnoski wrote:
> How about because it creates major difficulties for other developers on
> the same IDE who don't happen to use your conventions? This also creates
> a problem with keeping everything up to date - how are developers who
> don't use a particular IDE supposed to check that the files are still
> correct after making changes (which may include changes to the actual
> directory structures and such).
> I think it's a great idea to have IDE-specific project files available -
> but don't put them in the root directory of the SVN image. Instead, set
> up a subdirectory for the IDEs. That way you can update them whenever
> you change your instance of the project, but other users are only
> effected if they copy the files out of the subdirectory. Would you have
> any objection to a subdirectory for IDE files, Eran?

I prefer if we do not have any IDE specific stuff at all. But having
considered Jeremy's comments on to make the life easier for new
programmers, I +1 for the compromisation made by Dennis :)

-- Chinthaka

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