Jeffrey Dever wrote:

> We really have 3 different type of tests:
> nohost: those that run entirely within the test JVM
> remote: those that hit some number public internet resources
> webapp: those that require the httpclient .war deployed in a container

Yes, quite so.

> There is nothing special about the host that the webapp resides. A particular host is just as good as localhost: its just a configuration property (with localhost as the default). I could even see a point where we had a public webapp server (like jakarta) that has release versions of the .war deployed for the purpose of field testing. Then any user that downoladed a release version of httpclient could run the tests without further setup on their part.

A public site with the webapps deployed is a great idea. This could also be used by Maven for the automated builds. Speaking of which, we should probably also add the "localhost" tests to Maven.


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