I'm not exactly sure what's going wrong here. It seems that the connection is being closed/reused on the either the client or server side before the entire response is read. I tried your code on my machine at home and it worked well. I am guessing the problem is either with the version of HttpClient you have or the server that's processing the file upload. Can you try this again with the latest HttpClient code from CVS?



On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 10:04 PM, TANAKA Yuui wrote:

Sorry, the code I wrote in my previous post is just an example I edit.

Here is the real code:

public class Main {

String host = "";

String scheme = "https";

int port = 443;

String fileSendUrl = "/order/test";

File[] files = {
new File("F:\\materials\\sessionid\\order.xml"),

public void run() {

long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
System.out.println("URL: " + sendFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time: " + (double)((finishTime - startTime) / 1000.0) + " (sec)");


public String sendFile() throws IOException {
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
HostConfiguration hostConfig = httpClient.getHostConfiguration();
hostConfig.setHost(host, port, scheme);

MultipartPostMethod multipartPostMethod = new MultipartPostMethod();

multipartPostMethod.addParameter("phase", "send");

try {
FilePart filePart = new FilePart(files[0].getName(), files[0].getName(), files[0]);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

int statusCode = -1;
String str = null;
try {
statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(multipartPostMethod);
str = multipartPostMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();

} catch (HttpException e) {
} finally {

return str;

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.Log", "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog");
System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime", "true");
System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient .wire ", "debug");
System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.org.apache .commons.httpclient", "trace");

Main main = new Main();



2003/03/07 11:52:31:692 JST [TRACE] MultipartPostMethod - -enter addParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:712 JST [TRACE] StringPart - -enter StringPart(String, String, String)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:712 JST [TRACE] FilePart - -enter FilePart(String, PartSource, String, String)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:722 JST [TRACE] MultipartPostMethod - -enter addPart(Part part)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:722 JST [TRACE] HttpClient - -enter HttpClient.executeMethod(HttpMethod)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:722 JST [TRACE] HttpClient - -enter HttpClient.executeMethod(HostConfiguration,HttpMethod)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:742 JST [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -HttpConnectionManager.getConnection: creating connection for via null:-1 using protocol: https:443
2003/03/07 11:52:31:742 JST [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -HttpConnection.setSoTimeout(0)
2003/03/07 11:52:31:742 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.open()
2003/03/07 11:52:36:909 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:919 JST [TRACE] Authenticator - -enter Authenticator.authenticate(HttpMethod, HttpState)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:919 JST [TRACE] Authenticator - -enter Authenticator.authenticate(HttpMethod, HttpState, Header, String)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:919 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Execute loop try 1
2003/03/07 11:52:36:919 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.processRequest(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:929 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -Attempt number 1 to write request
2003/03/07 11:52:36:929 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.writeRequest(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:929 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.writeRequestLine(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:929 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.generateRequestLine(HttpConnection, String, String, String, String)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:959 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:36:959 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
2003/03/07 11:52:36:959 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.writeRequestHeaders(HttpState,HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [TRACE] MultipartPostMethod - -enter MultipartPostMethod.addRequestHeaders(HttpState state, HttpConnection conn)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addUserAgentRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addHostRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Adding Host request header
2003/03/07 11:52:37:270 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addCookieRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:290 JST [TRACE] HttpState - -enter HttpState.getCookies()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter CookieSpecBase.match(String, int, String, boolean, Cookie[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addAuthorizationRequestHeader(HttpState, > HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addProxyAuthorizationRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.addContentLengthRequestHeader(HttpState, > HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] MultipartPostMethod - -enter MultipartPostMethod.getRequestContentLength()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] Part - -getLengthOfParts(Parts[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter length()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendStart(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:300 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendDispositionHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendContentTypeHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendTransferEncodingHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEndOfHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEnd(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] StringPart - -enter lengthOfData()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter length()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendStart(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] FilePart - -enter sendDispositionHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:310 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendDispositionHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendContentTypeHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendTransferEncodingHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEndOfHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEnd(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] FilePart - -enter lengthOfData()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:320 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:330 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:340 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:340 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:340 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.print(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:340 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[])
2003/03/07 11:52:37:340 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:350 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.writeLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:37:350 JST [TRACE] MultipartPostMethod - -enter MultipartPostMethod.writeRequestBody(HttpState state, HttpConnection conn)
2003/03/07 11:52:37:350 JST [DEBUG] MultipartPostMethod - -Expecting response
2003/03/07 11:52:37:350 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.waitForResponse(int)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -Waiting for response timeout
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Response not available. Send the request body
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter writeRemainingRequestBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] MultipartPostMethod - -enter MultipartPostMethod.writeRequestBody(HttpState state, HttpConnection conn)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.getRequestOutputStream()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendParts(OutputStream out, Parts[])
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter send(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendStart(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendDispositionHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:354 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendContentTypeHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:364 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendTransferEncodingHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:364 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEndOfHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:364 JST [TRACE] StringPart - -enter sendData(OutputStream)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:364 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEnd(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:364 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter send(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:364 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendStart(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] FilePart - -enter sendDispositionHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendDispositionHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendContentTypeHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendTransferEncodingHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEndOfHeader(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] FilePart - -enter sendData(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] FilePart - -enter lengthOfData()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:374 JST [TRACE] Part - -enter sendEnd(OutputStream out)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:384 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readResponse(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:384 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readStatusLine(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:384 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:384 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:394 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:394 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readResponseHeaders(HttpState,HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:394 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.getResponseInputStream()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:394 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HeaderParser.parseHeaders(HttpConnection, HeaderGroup)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:394 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:404 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:414 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:414 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpConnection.readRawLine()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:414 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.processResponseHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:414 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter CookieSpecBase.parse(String, port, path, boolean, String)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:414 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter CookieSpecBase.parse(String, port, path, boolean, Header)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:424 JST [TRACE] HeaderElement - -enter HeaderElement.parse(String)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:424 JST [TRACE] HeaderElement - -enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:424 JST [TRACE] HeaderElement - -enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:424 JST [TRACE] HeaderElement - -enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:424 JST [TRACE] HeaderElement - -enter HeaderElement.parsePair(char[], int, int)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:474 JST [TRACE] Cookie - -enter Cookie(String, String, String, String, Date, boolean)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:474 JST [DEBUG] CookieSpec - -Unrecognized cookie attribute: name=Discard, value=null
2003/03/07 11:52:40:474 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter RFC2109Spec.validate(String, int, String, boolean, Cookie)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter CookieSpecBase.validate(String, port, path, boolean, Cookie)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] HttpState - -enter HttpState.addCookie(Cookie)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter RFC2109Spec.formatCookie(Cookie)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter RFC2109Spec.formatCookieAsVer(Cookie)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Cookie accepted: "$Version="1"; JSESSIONID="ncj1a1hb11"; $Path="/order""
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] GetMethod - -enter GetMethod.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.getResponseInputStream()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:484 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter HttpMethodBase.canResponseHaveBody(int)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:495 JST [TRACE] GetMethod - -enter GetMethod.getResponseBody()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:495 JST [TRACE] GetMethod - -enter GetMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream()
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:168)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA6275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA6275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA6275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA6275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA6275)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.AutoCloseInputStream.read(AutoCloseInputS tream.java:142)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:90)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.AutoCloseInputStream.read(AutoCloseInputS tream.java:161)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.getResponseBody(HttpMethod Base.java:667)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod.getResponseBody(GetMeth od.java:293)
at org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase.getResponseBodyAsString(Ht tpMethodBase.java:717)
at Main.sendFile(Main.java:79)
at Main.run(Main.java:49)
at Main.main(Main.java:97)
2003/03/07 11:52:40:495 JST [ERROR] HttpMethod - -getResponseBody failed <java.net.SocketException: Connection reset>
2003/03/07 11:52:40:515 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Should close connection since using HTTP/1.0.
2003/03/07 11:52:40:515 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.close()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:515 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.closeSockedAndStreams()
2003/03/07 11:52:40:515 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.releaseConnection()
URL: null
Time: 9.053 (sec)

-- Marineroad Inc. / TANAKA Yuui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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