Thank you for your quick reply.

I tried the latest HttpClient from CVS, but failed. And I did on another
machine, then I got the same result. As you point out the problem may be
occurred in the server side. The processing library for file upload is
Jakarta Commons FileUpload 1.0 and I run it on Tomcat 3.2.4 with SSL.
I'll take a look at them.



Marineroad Inc. / TANAKA Yuui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm not exactly sure what's going wrong here.  It seems that the  
> connection is being closed/reused on the either the client or server  
> side before the entire response is read.  I tried your code on my  
> machine at home and it worked well.  I am guessing the problem is  
> either with the version of HttpClient you have or the server that's  
> processing the file upload.  Can you try this again with the latest  
> HttpClient code from CVS?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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