
Thank you for your advice. Some modules offered by a software vendor
depends on Tomcat 3.2.x, so I'm compelled to use. I tried FileUpload on
Tomcat 4.1.18 with SSL and it worked fine! I'll try with Apache + Tomcat
3.2.4 later. It seems that the factor of the problem is at server side.


> Yuui
> Tomcat 3.2.4 is fairly out-dated. Seriously consider upgrading. I believe ancient 
> Tomcat may be causing the problem in the first place. Try examining Tomcat's logs 
> for error messages or any other clues. Another idea is to run your code using plain 
> HTTP and see if that makes any difference.
> Cheers
> Oleg

Marineroad Inc. / TANAKA Yuui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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