
Yes, I think Oleg is correct. You need to perform a get from the server before the post so that a cookie is set. Doing a get on set the following cookie:

Set-Cookie: Name=BE21056561003 StartTime=2003/06/26 02:10:03 Path=/beginner_tm Experies=Thu, 26-Jun-2003 02:10:03 GMT


Amit Rana wrote:
Hello Michael,

Thank you for the reply.

What exactly is the problem you are having?  Is HttpClient throwing
exceptions when it tries to parse the cookies from this server?

I am sorry for not writing clearly before.

I am trying to access a site which gives me a fixed response "Server is
busy please try later". This seems to be a canned response which I get
from my browser only when I disable cookies. Otherwise I have never
received this response on a browser.

Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong
1. Either the server has some check and sends a canned response for
anybody trying to access using a program, I think this should not be the
case because only way they can find the client is by User-agent which
can be set or
2. My browser gives same response code when cookies are disabled so I
want to make sure it is not a cookie problem.

I am trying to perform a Japanese trademark search on this site (NOTE: if you want to
try it, text box expects only double byte input)

PFA the log. I highly appreciate your help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Becke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:46 AM
To: Commons HttpClient Project
Subject: Re: automatic management of cookie

Hello Amit,

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
Int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

This will configure HttpClient to use the compatibility cookie mode. This is not necessarily required but is probably best to ensure


cookie handling.

Please feel free to point me to a document/link which can give more
information about the same.

        I am trying to connect to a website which needs cookie support
from the client. I am getting same response while trying to connect
httpclient which I get when I access the site with cookies disabled


my browser.

The cookie documentation on the HttpClient site is about all there is. There's not too much more to it.

What exactly is the problem you are having?  Is HttpClient throwing
exceptions when it tries to parse the cookies from this server?

Please take a look at the trouble shooting guide


some more things to look at.  If this is not helpful in resolving the
problem please post a wire log to the mailing list that shows the
problematic transmission, see
<> for how to
create a wire log.


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2003/06/25 11:59:55:714 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -Java version: 1.4.1_01
2003/06/25 11:59:55:714 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -Java vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
2003/06/25 11:59:55:714 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -Java class path: 
2003/06/25 11:59:55:714 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -Operating system name: Windows XP
2003/06/25 11:59:55:714 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -Operating system architecture: x86
2003/06/25 11:59:55:714 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -Operating system version: 5.1
2003/06/25 11:59:56:175 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -SUN 1.2: SUN (DSA key/parameter 
generation; DSA signing; SHA-1, MD5 digests; SecureRandom; X.509 certificates; JKS 
keystore; PKIX CertPathValidator; PKIX CertPathBuilder; LDAP, Collection CertStores)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:175 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -SunJSSE 1.41: Sun JSSE 
provider(implements RSA Signatures, PKCS12, SunX509 key/trust factories, SSLv3, TLSv1)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:175 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -SunRsaSign 1.0: SUN's provider for 
RSA signatures
2003/06/25 11:59:56:175 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -SunJCE 1.4: SunJCE Provider 
(implements DES, Triple DES, Blowfish, PBE, Diffie-Hellman, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:175 JST [DEBUG] HttpClient - -SunJGSS 1.0: Sun (Kerberos v5)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:285 JST [TRACE] GetMethod - -enter GetMethod(String)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:305 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:315 JST [TRACE] HttpClient - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:315 JST [TRACE] HttpClient - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:335 JST [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -Creating connection for using protocol http:80
2003/06/25 11:59:56:335 JST [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -HttpConnection.setSoTimeout(0)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:335 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter
2003/06/25 11:59:56:395 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.execute(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:395 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Preemptively sending default basic 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpAuthenticator - -enter 
HttpAuthenticator.authenticateDefault(HttpMethod, HttpConnection, HttpState)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpState - -enter 
HttpState.getCredentials(String, String
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Execute loop try 1
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.processRequest(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -Attempt number 1 to process request
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.writeRequest(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.writeRequestLine(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.generateRequestLine(HttpConnection, String, String, String, String)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:405 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "POST /beginner_tm/TM_SEARCH.cgi 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] ExpectContinueMethod - -enter 
ExpectContinueMethod.addRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addUserAgentRequestHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addHostRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Adding Host request header
2003/06/25 11:59:56:415 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addCookieRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:425 JST [TRACE] HttpState - -enter HttpState.getCookies()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:425 JST [TRACE] CookieSpec - -enter CookieSpecBase.match(String, 
int, String, boolean, Cookie[])
2003/06/25 11:59:56:425 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addAuthorizationRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:425 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addProxyAuthorizationRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:425 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addProxyConnectionHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:435 JST [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.addContentLengthRequestHeader(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:435 JST [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:435 JST [TRACE] PostMethod - -enter PostMethod.hasRequestContent()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:435 JST [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:435 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:435 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 
6.0; Windows NT 5.1)[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "search_mode: 0[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "start: 1[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "go_list: 1[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "shit: 36545[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:445 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "key01: ??[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "ron01: 02[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "time: 1056509996305[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:455 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Host:[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "Content-Length: 0[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:465 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.writeLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
HttpConnection.write(byte[], int, int)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [DEBUG] wire - ->> "[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter 
EntityEnclosingMethod.writeRequestBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] PostMethod - -enter PostMethod.hasRequestContent()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] EntityEnclosingMethod - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [DEBUG] EntityEnclosingMethod - -Request body has not been 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:475 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:485 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.readResponse(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:485 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.readStatusLine(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:485 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter HttpConnection.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:485 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:485 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter 
HeaderParser.parseHeaders(HttpConnection, HeaderGroup)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:565 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 03:01:32 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "Server: Hitachi Web Server 01-00 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "Transfer-Encoding: chunked[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "Content-Type: text/html[\r][\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.processResponseHeaders(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] GetMethod - -enter 
GetMethod.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:575 JST [TRACE] HttpMethod - -enter 
HttpMethodBase.readResponseBody(HttpState, HttpConnection)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] HttpConnection - -HttpConnection.getSoTimeout()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "1"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "8"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "E"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\r]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:585 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "<html>[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:595 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "<head>[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "</head>[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "<H2><IMG SRC="/BE0/BE2/pate.gif" 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "<BR><HR>[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "<A HREF="/BE0/index.html"><IMG 
SRC="/BE0/BE2/header_top.gif" border=0></A>[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "</body>[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:605 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "</html>"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\r]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "0"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\r]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter 
HeaderParser.parseHeaders(HttpConnection, HeaderGroup)
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [TRACE] HttpParser - -enter HttpParser.readRawLine()
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\r]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] wire - -<< "[\n]"
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Resorting to protocol version 
default close connection policy
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -Should NOT close connection, using 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [TRACE] HttpConnection - -enter 
2003/06/25 11:59:56:615 JST [DEBUG] HttpMethod - -buffering response body


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To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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