Michael Becke wrote:
Though I agree this seems a little strange I am not sure it's a bug. URI.normalize() is using the algorithm defined at <http://www.apache.org/~fielding/uri/rev-2002/issues.html> which corresponds to the latest update(I believe) to rfc2396.

[ removed algorithm ]

Btw, I presume this is the algorithm given in section 5.2 of http://www.apache.org/~fielding/uri/rev-2002/rfc2396bis.html#absolutize? If so, this is just a draft (draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-03.txt). It does actually differ from rfc2396 in how it handles abnormal URLs (though I think that's irrelevant here).

And we're done. Perhaps we should send and email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and see if they have any input. Does anyone else have an opinion about this?

The string "my/relative/../../another/relative" would never be output from merge() or given to remove_dot_segments() in the section 5.2 algorithm. If you are just applying remove_dot_segments() to this string then it will get confused and output a wierd answer because it's not expecting that input (ie a path that doesn't have a "/" at the start).

I may be wrong, but I didn't think normalization could be applied to anything but absolute URLs.


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