
Thanks for clearing this up somewhat. It seems to me that if the command line gets parsed correctly, the help formatter should be able to display it correctly using the same kind of mechanism.

-- MM

On Jul 28, 2006, at 2:45 AM, Andrew Shirley wrote:

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 11:44:12AM -0700, Miguel Muñoz wrote:

Thank you for the suggestion, but it didn't work. Although some of the info in my post was wrong. I claimed I was getting this:

      ShellCommand [-DB|-SCM|-SCW] [-s <source>]

I was actually getting this:

      ShellCommand [-DB|-SCM|-SCW -s <source>]

What I want hasn't changed:

      ShellCommand -DB|-SCM|-SCW [-s <source>]

The problem is that the 'all' group is has a minimum of 0 and so gets
square-bracketed. This is incorrect as we know that project group is
required and so we will have to have at least one argument. I'm not
really sure of a way to solve this, I think we will have to improve the
concept of when a group is optional. It will validate the arguments
correctly and it is just the HelpFormatter which is incorrect. As an
aside, I found that Groups aren't counted in thw minimum/maximum count
and I think this is wrong as if they were counted, you could give it a
hint by saying that all has a minimum of 1 (the project group) however
as it stands, this would make -s required. I will file a bug about these
things shortly.

Sorry this wasn't more helpful.

Andrew Shirley

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Miguel Muñoz


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