
Food for thought: I'm not sure if this is contained in your recent bug reports on this problem, but there seems to be a second issue here that should be addressed. In the example below, the DB/SCM/SCW is in one group, and the -s is in a different group, but they're displayed with a single set of square brackets around them. as in line 2 below: It seems to me that this is also a bug. The child group should get its own set of square brackets, as in line 1 below.

Was this also reflected in your two recent bug reports?

-- Miguel

On Jul 28, 2006, at 2:45 AM, Andrew Shirley wrote:

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 11:44:12AM -0700, Miguel Muñoz wrote:

Thank you for the suggestion, but it didn't work. Although some of the info in my post was wrong. I claimed I was getting this:

      ShellCommand [-DB|-SCM|-SCW] [-s <source>]           // line 1

I was actually getting this:

      ShellCommand [-DB|-SCM|-SCW -s <source>]           // line 2

What I want hasn't changed:

      ShellCommand -DB|-SCM|-SCW [-s <source>]

The problem is that the 'all' group is has a minimum of 0 and so gets
square-bracketed. This is incorrect as we know that project group is
required and so we will have to have at least one argument. I'm not
really sure of a way to solve this, I think we will have to improve the
concept of when a group is optional. It will validate the arguments
correctly and it is just the HelpFormatter which is incorrect. As an
aside, I found that Groups aren't counted in thw minimum/maximum count
and I think this is wrong as if they were counted, you could give it a
hint by saying that all has a minimum of 1 (the project group) however
as it stands, this would make -s required. I will file a bug about these
things shortly.

Sorry this wasn't more helpful.

Andrew Shirley

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Miguel Muñoz


The Sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a vine of grapes like it had nothing else to do in the world.

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