{excuse the late response, please!}
Dear AfriNIC's Community,

Le lundi 2 août 2021, Mike Silber <silber.m...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi Sylvain
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your email, brother.

...i, first, have to apologize as my tone was
not as usual. But it was not directed to an
individual; but rather, it was another [*] general
call to do what i did to learn more about the RIR
system history [1][2] & the IN Registry system.
[*]: <https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2021/013404.html>
[1]: <https://nro.net/about/rirs/the-internet-registry-system/rir-history/>
[2]: <https://nro.net/about/history-of-the-nro/>

I respectfully disagree.
...yes! your plain rights.

> ICANN is a convenience through which the RIR’s operate.
...it's a bit difficult to disambiguate ICANN's
relationships...it's easy to think the contrary
true [3] :-/ i share more on it below, please.
[3]: Open Letter to ICANN from the Regional Internet Registries, 6 NOV 2003

> The rest of the NRO recognised AfriNIC and could have done so without
> ICANN involvement - had they so chosen.
...in 2005.

As it is - the NRO fulfils the role of ASO within ICANN and it could
> terminate the ASO / NRO nexus at any time with little to no impact.
...yes! ASO AC (1999) := NRO NC (2003)

> Did you miss this in RFC 7020:
Maybe other parts...
...not the text below!

> The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) *is a role, not an
>       organization*.  For the Internet Numbers Registry System, the IANA
>       role manages the top of the IP address and AS number allocation
>       hierarchies.  The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
>       Numbers (ICANN) *currently fulfills the IANA role" in accordance
>       with the IETF-ICANN "Memorandum of Understanding Concerning
>       Technical Work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority",
...documented through RFC2860, in june 2000:

Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Technical
            Work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority


...in that MoU, IETF and ICANN agreed that

   The IANA will assign and register Internet protocol parameters...

Those parameters include IP addresses & ASN
...with the DNS root zone, particularly the arpa.

>  which
>       was signed and ratified in March 2000
> It is the RIRs who chose ICANN and not the other way around.

...i would have asked you to, please, elaborate,
but i think, i could be satisfied by the content of
the NRO MoU [4].
It shows a full attempt of independence...
[4]: <https://www.nro.net/nro-memorandum-of-understanding/>

...but, did they chose IANA? the role, sure :-)

[ASOMOU]   ICANN, "ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) MoU",
              October 2004,

...the companion RFC of RFC7020 is RFC7249:

Internet Numbers Registries




   RFC 7020 <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7020> provides
information about the Internet Numbers Registry
   System and how it is used in the distribution of autonomous system
   (AS) numbers and globally unique unicast Internet Protocol (IP)
   address space.

   This companion document identifies the IANA registries that are part
   of the Internet Numbers Registry System at this time.


...i don't think we need to go back to the time
when the IANA technical function was fully under
US DoC/NTIA contract [5]...permit me to paste the
below portion of text, from RFC7020, to conclude:


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
      Numbers (ICANN) currently fulfills the IANA role in accordance
      with the IETF-ICANN "Memorandum of Understanding Concerning
      Technical Work of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority", which
      was signed and ratified in March 2000 [RFC2860
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2860>].  In addition,
      ICANN performs the IANA services related to the IP address space
      and AS numbers according to global number resource policies that
      have been developed by the community and formalized under a
      Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN and the Regional
      Internet Registries [ASOMOU
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7020#ref-ASOMOU>] and
documented in [ICANNv4
      [ICANNv6 <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7020#ref-ICANNv6>],
and [ICANNASN <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7020#ref-ICANNASN>].


It cites a MoU between ICANN & IETF/IAB about
IANA role; back in march 2000; NRO was created
on 24 october 2003 [4]. But ICP-2 [6] has been
ratified by ICANN on 04 june 2001, so LACNIC
enjoyed it first in 2002, then AfriNIC in 2005...
...ASO AC (1999) [7] predates NRO NC (2003).
[5]: <https://www.ntia.doc.gov/files/ntia/publications/ianacontract.pdf>
[6]: <https://icann.org/icp/icp-2.htm>
[7]: <https://aso.icann.org/about/aso-icann/>

...those public information are the base of my
assertion...again, i admit that both the two
directions could be proved to be true.

But, icymi, *our* concern was about what Owen
said, regarding ICANN. So, the same kind of
thinking developed through nra.help...

Hope this clarifies, something.


> Mike
> On 2 Aug 2021, at 14:49, Sylvain Baya <absc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear AfriNIC's Community,
> Le lundi 2 août 2021, Noah <n...@neo.co.tz> a écrit :
>> Hi Mike
> Hi Noah,
> Thanks for your email, brother!
> ...it's time to learn about the RIR system's history.
>> Thank you for your reply and opinion on the matter.
>> I am personally offended by Owens choice of words against ICANN.
>> The existence of an RIR is only possible through ICANN ICP-2  and for him
>> to refer to ICANN as a puppet is offending.
>> AFRINIC would not have existed without the ICANN structures.
> Exact!
> For those who need an anchor to start with,
> please look at RFC7020:
> The Internet Numbers Registry System
> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7020>
> Shalom,
> --sb.
>> [...]


Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<https://cmnog.cm/dokuwiki/Structure>
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‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
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