Aaron Bannert wrote:

As Justin pointed out, we get automatic oversight right now when someone
makes a change to a project website, including the contributor listings.
This works very well for code commits, so whatever we come up with should
probably have the same level of oversight.

Justin has a very valid point: without proper oversight people might abuse their pages without even knowing they are doing it.

Unfortunately, you fail to see that some of us work on so many different projects that it will be a major PITA to scatter our bio information all over the place. It would be *much* easier to link directly to our asf-related personal page.

[yeah, let's call it 'ASF personal page' rather than home page so that nobody freaks out]

Now, I wonder: why don't we use the 'community' CVS repository for personal pages? (or create another "community-pages" repository)

By doing so we could:

1) have proper oversight because all diffs are sent on a cvs-related mail list like all the other CVS repositories (we could send those diffs here)

2) we are future-compatible in case the apache infrastructure is able to remove the need for account on cvs.apache.org

3) it is easier for non-unix committers to setup their pages since they already have to know how to use CVS.

4) all personal information about everybody is kept in one place, so it's easy for infrastructure people to keep an eye on disk usage for those personally-related information

 5) community personal pages don't conflict with existing users pages

Possible objections:

a) that community cvs module might become huge and I don't want to checkout the whole thing.

answer: "cvs checkout community/pages/$user/" will download only your stuff.

what do you think?

Stefano Mazzocchi                               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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