
> > Ceremony. I suspect it that even such a nice community has to
> > be baptized once. (one day or less)
> > Legitimatization, in order to keep *consistency* in a big 
> > and social community. To make it orthodox.
> No, Incubation has nothing to do with pomp and circumstance.

Pomp? .. I do not think "it" is pomp.
What makes "it" pomp might be the intentions/hearts of the
interested parties.

I would like to see the "cheerful"/"considerate" incubation.


> The Incubator's purpose is to ensure that projects coming into the ASF

>   - are legally clean,
>   - that their communities are healthy,
>   - and that they follow basic ASF policies/procedures.

I agree with this, too. IMHO, the problem seems that
the last two purposes listed here can not be measured
in scientific way. Also, i am afraid it that 99% of the
participants in incubator would be not laywers.
How can you, non-laywers, judge whether XYZ project is legally
clean/safe or not, by the way? (Sorry for such a childish question)
... Incubator project PMC has at least three laywers?

I'd like to know why there could be a lot of "far from beta"
projects in incubator. (Really are they "far from beta"?)

I am happy to see the "nurturing" incubation process & projects,
which can be also suitable for


From the stand point of the "affinity" to the other projects ...:

I think it that it takes over a month. 

First  Step: "Accredited ASF Sister Project" (1)
Second Step: "Incubated Project" (2)
Third  Step: "ASF Project" (3)
... *maybe* this is good. (not sure) ...

I think it that XYZ project coming to apache can get "affinity" to
the other projects during (1) process/step. (1) would not
have to do with legal issues.


Thank you for reading.

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

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