On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:32:33 -0500 (EST)
Dave Brondsema wrote:
> > I see Planet
> > Apache (as it stands today) as a way to get a flavour of an author, who has
> > some association w/ Apache, to see if I wish to add them to my own
> > aggregator or not. As such, I see no harm in Jakarta Gump participating.
> > Gump at least only ever talks about Apache stuff...
> Gump's not a person.  Like you said, the planet is for authors (people)
> associated with apache.

Yep, Gump is not a person, but a chain restaurant of Shrimp dishes. :)

The point is -- "CHAIN" reactions of/from subscribers. The messages
from Jakarta Gump would never affect to the other subscribers'

"Apache Planet -- is like a box of chocolates - you never know
 what you are going to get!" ... ;-)

-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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