On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 10:03:14AM -0700, Adam R. B. Jack wrote:
> On Gump ... seriously though. If the issue w/ Gump is merely that is it
> verbose/noisy -- and posts too many items (it does only post once a day) -- 
> anybody mind if I re-subscribe it if I fix that?
Looking at the example link you provided, it is more than that - auto
generated content doesn't fit with the rest of the content there. 
Making it only one or two lines / day would certainly make it easier
on the eyes, but it doesn't make it less inappropriate.
It's a bit like stapling together a printout of /var/log/messages and
sticking it on the shelf along with the crime novels ;)

But on the general topic of verbosity, it seems wrong to me that some
entries are there in their entirety and others are only a short summary.
It would be much nice if only the summary, or something like a couple
of lines were shown - instead of having posting that vary from one or
two lines to several pages.


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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