Right now we have no real policy with regard to Mirrors; essentially
anyone can run a mirror, tell us; we add and they get a logo if they
submit one as a small thank you.

Legally it is entireyly up to the ASF to choose whether to list a mirror
or not.

Recently Playboy.com submitted one. It was added as normal.

The question was; is that good - is that bad - is that a slipperly slope ?

My personal opinion is that it is good; any faithfull mirror is good for
our community, our users and that the link, which points to a corperate
site, is perfectly apporpriate and not harmful or offensive to our

The ASF its core concern is that of stewarding code; and such mirrors do
not damage the code or its stability. It may damage the apache community
though. And that is a concern. And one which some people in our communtiy
wants addressed.

So let me put in my 5 cents into policy:

->      Any company willing too mirror us can do so and can
        have their logo+link handled.

->      Any submissions meeting the 3 mechanical goals below
        will be swiftly handled and added.

Provided that

->      They mirror us faithfully (*)

->      They have enough bandwidth (*)

->      They do it reliable enouhg (*)

        *: Substitute some mechanical numbers which are
        published and regularly measured.

and provided that

->      Their goals do not inherently conflict with the ASF
        and its bylaws and goals (see http://www.apache.org/foundation/
        for the base principle)

->      The link/logo provided points to a page describing the
        entity providing the download  cannot be considered
        overly offensive to the majority of our user community.

Any reports that such is the case will be brough to the board swiftly
which will either resolve those, where needed with assistance from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Board may choose to direct infrastructure@ to take the mirror
out of rotation while resolving it in the meantime but will not do so by

And provided that:

->      The organisation or its logo is not legally banned in
        a country in which a *member* has taken up residence **.

in which case that Member can directly inform Board@; quote the relevant
local legislation and pending -this- investigation infratructure@ will
take the mirror out of rotation by default unless otherwise instructed.

Appeals can be made to board and board only.

Feel free to improve this strawman.


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