+1 to 'those that actually do infrastructure' for keeping our mirrors
running, including this one, if they want to (I'm for it, if that
matters, as long as it's a fast mirror).  Hell, +1 for infrastructure
for having the patience for this thread!  

{Exuent all remaining replies to community@ or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+1 to anyone who can form a concrete proposal on community@ or members@
for specifically how we should frame an acceptable mirror policy. 
Recall that we need to be clear, fair, follow whatever US non-profit
rules the ASF needs to, and that while we greatly value community
input, board/members will create final policies.

"James Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/25/2004 09:39:31
> Do you even realize how many web sites out there have "powered by"
logos and
> links to Apache and the various subprojects?

Er, yes, I believe the majority of those participating here do. 

> I am begging you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  DO NOT put their logo or link on our
> OUR) web site.

REMINDER: are we even all clear what we're talking about here?  The
little bunny could only show up when someone is downloading software
from *that* particular mirror - which is pretty rare.  Won't show up in
our software, will never show up on users' servers if they install
httpd or whatever.  Clicking on the 'powered by' logo will simply go to
our main site, which will remain materially bunny-free.

And yes - it is the *ASF's* website. A membership-based Delaware
corporation, blah blah blah.  

Note that the only pragmatic suggestion I would make is for mirror-folk
to ask this mirror maintainer kindly if they'd setup a different
hostname so that the mirror can appear to be off the corporate site -
that would make it more useful, given that various places may block
their main site.  But I'm happily ignored here too since I can't help
with that. 8-)

- Shane

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