"Henri Yandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> With "play nice", it's obvious that we're all interpreting things, but
> with the attempted code of conduct there's an impression that it is
> definitive and that I'm supposed to understand it all.

This is one of my concerns too.

Our culture is not a document; it's much more dynamic and diverse than
even a wiki can handle.  That said, I'm all for recording expected
behaviors and writing down some of our oral traditions.  I don't want
to discourage Ted, or anyone else for that matter, on working on these
sorts of efforts.  Let's just be clear that such documents are neither
comprehensive nor binding.

> Slight side note. What's the punishment? Are we going to throw people
> out of our community for breaking this? Are we only going to throw
> them out if they sign up?

Another good point, Henri.

Would it be more palatable if the page were renamed to something like
"The Apache Way" or "By play nice we mean..." or "A couple of us wrote
down how we think things work around here"?

  J Aaron Farr     jadetower.com        [US] +1 724-964-4515 
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