On 7/5/07, Justin Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ted Husted writes:
> A Roller zone for PMC blogs
> One of the most popular blogging softwares on the planet, Roller, is
> now an ASF project <http://rollerweblogger.org/project/>. Perhaps it's
> time to eat our own dogfood and encourage development of a Roller zone
> where our PMC's can post easy-to-aggregate announcement blogs. These
> would not be individual blogs as we have on PlanetApache.org, but PMC
> blogs that would focus solely on project news. The initiative could be
> tied to <http://projects.apache.org/>, so that there was a one-stop
> shop for project news. Aside from Roller, another way to go would be
> an XML-based feed, like the one that's being used at Jakarta. As
> always, the tipping point would be whether we have volunteers up to
> doing the work.
> Should we encourage projects blogs to post and aggregate project news
> and events?

+1, I'd love to see this.  A project blog for SpamAssassin announcements
is something we've been considering for a while, but the lack of an
infra-supported blogging platform was a major block.

MINA PMC has been using a similar blog feature provided by Confluence
and we found it very useful.  Using Roller as a platform sounds better
to me.

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