
Extending people.apache.org with personal profiles
For discussion purposes, I've
posted an example of an ASF personal profile at
So _thats_ what you look like!

Should we encourage a more personal touch to our "who we are" pages?

My 1st reaction was that this proposal offers to replace what we
already have in order to improve it, why not just improve it?

Most (all?) projects already have some kind of "who we are" page(s)
and so does the Membership, and whilst none of those have "personal
profiles" I'm pretty sure the reason is that many of us choose to
maintain a profile/bio/personal-site elsewhere on the web and refer to
it from many other places.

My reservations about this are that it could become just one more
thing to maintain for everyone, and might actually detract from
projects' "we are" stuff. I'm in favour of supporting personal
profiles on people.a.o where people might _choose_ to create them, but
I also think that the current people.a.o approach succeeds by imposing
a very low maintenance burden, we should encourage more people to get
their details on there, for sure, and we could add headshots for those
who are comfortable with that (not everyone is), and support voluntary
profiles which can be linked to from "we are" pages, but I'm not sure
that centralising a this kind of information is necessarily a Good
Thing on its own if all it does is to chip away at the uniqueness of
projects' identities. Having board and member profiles is different
because those people pretty much are the "we are" of the ASF, and
people want that information.

There's always going to be a natural tension between the ASF's and the
projects' identities, and I think that we need to be careful not to
swing things too far towards a united identity and away from federated
project identities. As the ASF grows it is IMHO important that it
doesn't also become homogenous, but retains a richness of smaller
internal identities which our users and contributors can actually
relate to.


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