On 7/6/07, J Aaron Farr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Shouldn't PMC Chair's either be (1) willing to respond or (2) able
find someone in their project?  This isn't that onerous of a task and
it provides the PRC with a ready made list of contacts.

On the PRC list it was suggested that when someone from the media
visits one of our sites, it's not clear who to contact with a press
inquiry. We purposely funnel all inquiries to the public lists, and
someone from the media might not be comfortable posting to a public
list. Very few of our project sites mention how to contact us
regarding press or security inquiries. It was suggested that many
media folks might be discouraged from contacting us at all, and so our
perspective is going unheard. In my experience, persistent inquirers
do tend to contact one or more committers at random with press or
security questions.

Perhaps we should at least encourage projects to mention press@ and
security@ on the project sites, as we do on the top-level apache.org
site. For example, I just updated the Struts FAQ to include how to
contacting us regarding security or press inquiries.

*  http://struts.apache.org/kickstart.html#press


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