I had the flu and was quite busy otherwise lately, but finally I have a
first version of the ASF brochure which I'd like some feedback on (and
pointers to any typos I may have made). I've had to come up with some
text on my own to fit everything in the cramped space. Since I'm not
natively English speaking, there's a good chance that there's some
suboptimal text in places. Other text I have copied from our website.
I'm open for any comments. The goal is to have it ready by the end of
the week so there's still a chance to print a few sheets for OpenExpo
next week.

I ended up doing this in XSL with FOP. Sadly, Scribus only got in my way
but FOP was very cooperative. ;-)

PDF: http://people.apache.org/~jeremias/asf/asf-brochure-en-up.pdf
XML Source: http://people.apache.org/~jeremias/asf/asf-brochure-en.xml

BTW, does anybody who is planning to come to OpenExpo on Wednesday have
access to a decent color laser that he/she could print the brochures on
once the thing is ready? I assume we probably don't need more than 30-40
pieces (although I can always be wrong about that).

On 02.09.2008 08:49:31 berndf wrote:
> > I'm open for additional ideas on the design. Another thing I'm thinking
> > about doing is a A4-sized brochure (3-fold) with some basic information
> > about the ASF: basic values, conferences, sponsoring information, maybe
> > a project list... I want to do it at least in English but a German
> > version would also be a good idea since the majority of visitor will be
> > german-speaking. Bernd, if you want to take a stab at this, you're
> > welcome. I thought about doing this in Scribus.
> > 
> Yes, great idea. I could do the translation to German, no problem.
>    Bernd

Jeremias Maerki

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