On 06/08/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Justyn Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
> > I&#39;ll understand whatever delays or problems OpenMoko throws at me,
> or rather us. As far as I&#39;m concerned we&#39;re all in it together, and
> I understand that we&#39;re all learning as we go along.But the continual
> lack of clear communication from the top is so demoralizing. If we are all
> in this together, then why are we being treated like this?
> > I&#39;m disappointed that Sean (or someone else) has not been giving us
> frequent updates to keep us informed. Just three paragraphs every few days
> would be enough for me to feel in the loop. Instead I&#39;m left confused.
> Will those of us who haven&#39;t been charged yet get a GTA01 soon or will
> we be waiting until September? Or October?
> The annoying thing is having to not use my credit card just in case I
> don't have enough left for the phone. I think i've messed that up already as
> people around my order number (2615) have been charged :(

I'm in the same situation. Fortunately I have two bank accounts, so leave
the one I'm using to pay for the Neo alone.

I find Harald's blog to be one source of information:
> http://gnumonks.org/~laforge/weblog/

I agree, but he doesn't write particularly often (understandably), and there
are clearly things he's not able to tell us about (that is, they should come
from the project leader).

Harald's blog is syndicated on Planet OpenMoko, along with other OpenMoko
developers within and outside of FIC.
I recommend subscribing to it if you haven't already:
The RSS2 feed here: http://planet.openmoko.org/rss20.xml

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