On 8/6/07, Andrew L. Clunis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I placed my order on
> the 13th of July (#3255) and except for the YES_I_DO process I haven't
> heard anything since.  Nor has anyone else near my number, according to
> the P1_Owners wiki page. The question is, am I one of the deferred
> orders?

Uh ah! I have ordered on 4th of August (#4829). Was this weekend a massive
request? I am afraid that my order was deferred, but I can not confirm it
since no message from FIC... :-(

I have ordered Neo1973 to test quality and work in a "real" development
platform. While I am going to mount qemu images and do R&D, my question is:
have FIC thought in developers preference to order Neo1973?

Even so, 8 weeks happen very fast... :-)

Rafa Couto - http://caligari.treboada.net
GNU/Linux user #99126 - http://counter.li.org
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