----- "Alan McSwain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is --simply unacceptable-- and not enough information for people
> who have recently ordered. 
> FIC --MUST-- do a better job of communicating with thier
> developers/customers.  Those folks who have placed orders that will
> not be getting a device until October --MUST-- be contacted
> immediately via email and given the option to cancel their orders. 
> I ordered back on July 24th and have not received ANY follow-on status
> on my order, and I'm sure there are lots of other folks being equally
> ignored as well.  What are we supposed to think about this news???  Am
> "I" one of the "oversold"????

While I can understand the arguments that FIC has been very open given
the culture of their industry, the truth of the matter is that they
haven't given us any feedback about our orders.  I placed my order on
the 13th of July (#3255) and except for the YES_I_DO process I haven't
heard anything since.  Nor has anyone else near my number, according to
the P1_Owners wiki page. The question is, am I one of the deferred

If my phone won't arrive until September, I might as well just wait
until GTA02 a month later.  However, I have no information to base such
a decision on.

I'm not really going to blame Sean and Harald.  By all accounts they've
been fighting an uphill battle on silly logistical crap like this.

Andrew Clunis

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