Bad move, guys.

If the customer says the goods haven't arrived, you have to take it on  
the chin & send a replacement, unless you can prove otherwise.

ankostis' words "i had personally instructed you" suggest to me that  
he may be a demanding & unwelcome customer - if I were writing I would  
"advise you" to choose a service with tracking capabilities - but that  
does not justify accusing him of "bad mouthing" you. Your mother  
brought you up better than for you to make such a response!!

Customer service requires you often to exceed expectations. I know,  
because I've had to swallow the expense myself of hardware lost by the  
post office. He's a customer and he's entitled to "bad mouth" you, as  
long as he states the facts.

I just don't get it:
1) you send out a phone with a duff battery. Not your fault.
2) you send out a replacement battery which gets lost in the post. Not  
your fault.
3) you send out a second replacement battery. Why the heck did you  
choose not to send it Special Delivery this time?? It was behove upon  
you to do so - hang the cost - in order to demonstrate your exemplary  
customer service. You failed.

If I were in your position now - which I would not be!! I should be  
shamed to admit that I have failed customers on more than one  
occasion, but never over something as straight-forward as taking a  
jiffy bag to the post office - I would now be thinking I need to pay  
Fed Ex or someone £80 or more to get a battery to Greece within 24 or  
48 hours.


On 10 Dec 2008, at 15:20, ankostis wrote:
> ...
> 2) Since you claimed to have sent me already 1 battery and got lost,
> and after i had personally instructed you to choose a service with
> tracking capabilities from
> my country's postal-service, why did you choose to ignore that mail?  
> [3]
> ...
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Customer Services
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Kostis
>> It is a real shame that you consider bad mouthing us in public is  
>> good
>> practice. We have sent you 2 batteries that have not arrived  
>> entirely at our
>> cost, you claim you have not received them but we have no way to  
>> verify that
>> is the case. We cannot send batteries with tracking numbers as that
>> increases the cost 3 fold, we have done everything we can to  
>> rectify your
>> problem, we cannot be held responsible for courier/postal services  
>> in your
>> country. We get complains from customers who ask why we send  
>> packages that
>> must be signed for! Whatever we do as a company we cannot make  
>> everyone
>> happy, people have different opinions of what should be done. What  
>> I will
>> say is that we have many happy customers and your bad mouthing of  
>> us in
>> public when we have tried to resolve your problem is not acceptable  
>> and you
>> can take it from us now that we will no longer do business with  
>> you  as an
>> individual because of that.

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