This is an interesting problem.  It seems to me that the reality is that
when you are talking about non-ideal play, ranking systems aren't linear.
Program A could beat B which could beat C which could beat A.  How would you
rank those?  Clearly there is going to have to be some degree of arbitrary
selection.  I propose convenience as the best reason for picking one anchor
over another.  I think a completely random player is the only other choice
from a theoretically perfect player that doesn't have arbitrariness.  But,
by defining players relative to that anchor, we would really be measuring
how effectively a program exploits a weak player rather than how good the
program is.

It is my opinion that it is more important to have a relative ranking system
than an absolute system.

- Nick

On 12/28/06, Aloril <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, 2006-12-27 at 21:34 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
> I'm having an interesting problem - my hope is to set
> a random legal move making player (who doesn't fill
> 1 point eyes) at ELO zero.
> I feel this would define a nice standard that is
> easy to reproduce and verify experimentally and
> at least would be a known quantity even 100 years
> from now.
> But I'm having a difficult time creating players
> who are slightly better than this at 19x19.  I need
> incrementally better and better players.

I suspect this is quite hard problem. On 9x9 we have some of this and I
suspect even there "do not fill eyes random" (PythonBrown) has not yet
settled (maybe 100-200 ELO overrated). Probably too few weak players ;-)
On 19x19 I think problem is much harder and required amount of
intermediate players is much bigger. I'm of course interested in hearing
your experimentation results. Maybe I'm wrong and it is actually

My vague recollection was that random player is maybe 200 kuy, "do not
fill eyes" adds 60 stones, atari detection adds about 20-30 stones,
idiotbot is maybe 100 kuy, weakbot50k maybe 50 kuy. However differences
between computers tend to be much bigger than when they play against
humans! For example GNU Go 2.0 can give Liberty 1.0 easily 9 stones and
win more than 50% of games (based on few ha9 test games), but at KGS
they are rated at 10k and 14k. Even WeakBot50k is rated at 20k while
latest GNU Go rated at 6k can give it numerous handicap stones (much
more than 14 stones, I think it's more than 40 stones).

Here is my proposal for anchor player: Use GNU Go 3.7.10 (or any enough
recent with super-ko support) at level 0 and use well defined
randomization on top of moves it returns. Ie. ask all_move_values (lists
only moves that gnugo considers positive) and add remaining moves and
then apply slight randomization so that it still plays close to original
strength but is much more unpredictable than GNU Go.

Example program (by blubb and me):

- reasonably strong, no need for huge amount of intermediate players
- source code available
- well known entity
- with some randomization should be unpredictable

I suspect that GNU Go without randomization is too predictable. This is
very clearly case on 9x9 board and possibly on 19x19 too.

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