The solution is a rule.  It is only a matter of how easy that rule is to
apply.  We have a rule that works now: Do a full min-max search on every
move and play the move that results in the highest expected return given
that your opponent is aiming for the lowest...  Game theory gives us that
rule and we know it works for all games.  We might want a slightly more
useful rule however.  All rules require computation, just to varying degrees
while returning varying degrees of correctness.

On 1/12/07, Ray Easton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Friday, Jan 12, 2007, at 16:04 US/Central, Nick Apperson wrote:

> Mathematical solutions are certainly a good possibility to reduce the
> amount of processing power needed. However, a person would not be
> able to solve 19x19 because a person lacks the necessary computational
> resources to form a solution in any reasonable amount of time. A
> computer would therefore have to solve go.

For all we know, there may be a mathematical solution to Go that does
not depend upon performing any sort of computation.  For all we know,
there might be a *rule* that tells one how to play optimally.  There
are game that have such solutions.

It seems unlikely that this would be the case with Go, but it is not
impossible and I suspect that any "intuitions" any of us have about
this one way or the other are simply delusions -- we don't know enough
to have any genuine intuitions.


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