Very interesting paper: many ideas for me to study. And thanks for giving us an 
early look at it. 
I'll make one suggestion: in the final version, it deserves some better 
salesmanship in the results section. I've read through too many papers, only to 
reach the results section at the end and see something like "although our 
program was unable to defeat Wally on a 9x9 board, the authors still feel..." 
So now I look there first to see if I want to invest time on the paper. 
When I look at the end of this paper, what jumps out is 
     "37.5% victories against Gnugo." 
IMHO, it's asking an awful lot of potential readers to expect them to recognize 
that this is an impressive result, which of course it is. I think it would be 
easier for people to understand if the "Performance against Gnugo" section 
started with 9x9 results against gnugo, maybe mentioned scaling issues and the 
13x13 KGS results, and then went on to 19x19. 
Just my 2 cents. Now back to studying the paper.
Dave Hillis
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