> The right parameters for Fischer time is whatever allows the highest
> quality of games in the shortest actual game time and of course these
> values can only be estimated or guessed at.    I have estimated (perhaps
> incorrectly but based on many comments from the group and for other
> reasons too) that the highest quality games will result from giving a
> player a large pool of time for HIM to manage rather than trying to
> manage it for him with a small pool and large increment.

after reading the page linked to earlier (at sensei's), i was impressed to
discover that the NYGC has had good success with fisher, experimenting
with various controls.  they switched from 10 minutes / 20 seconds fisher
to 18 minutes / 15 seconds fisher.  i'd be interested in trying a game or twelve
this way at KGS, unless adding a time control would be a big pain.  If it is 
shoot me the source and I'll be happy to add it.


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