Jason House said:
> Thanks for the documentation.  I have a few questions.
> Looking at only the four neighbors to detect eye-like points seems like
> it could leave many false eyes and allow captures of dangling chains.
> Is there any mechanism to avoid this problem in the play of the bot?

Eye detection is a tricky problem. But for immediate captures, bitmaps are
fast and easy.

1) Start with bitmap of original stone; shift it up, down (assignment
statements) left << & right >>, then AND each result with a bitmap of all
vacant points, and if any result is nonzero, the chain is safe.

2) If not, AND each new bitmap with a bitmap of all same-color stones,
then OR the results with the old . This gives a bitmap of all friendly
stones adjacent to the original.

3) Replace the old bitmap with the new, and repeat the process

until either a breathing space is detected or the new bitmap comes out
identical with the previous one (hence there are no breathing spaces.)

That's essentially the best that I came up with.  Since bit board operations
on 19x19 are slow, I've essentially concluded that if I have to loop like
that, I'm better off with other methods.  Out of curiosity, does anyone have
any performance comparisons?  I personally am tempted to try 7x7 go since it
can fit into a single 64 bit integer...
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