On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Mike Hill wrote:

int choose( int range, int degree-of-randomness)

Returns an integer in [0-range] distributed depending on the value of degree-of-randomness. At degree-of-randomness 100, I want the distribution to be uniform. At degree-of-randomness 0, I want the distribution to be -- I don't even know what to call this -- half-of-a-normal-distribution with the steepness proportionately related to degree-of-randomness.

This seems not so much the degree of randomness as the skew. Because a normal distribution has an infinite continuous range, I don't think that's what you want. You say "half a normal"; is something like a geometric distribution close enough? You might check it out, at least it's discrete.

But when I have a problem like this, I tend to use what I think of as the "weight, bisect" algorithm. See if this solves your problem. Basically, skew can go from 0 to infinity, and the higher it is, the steeper the skew and the less likely you are to choose 0, the more likely you are to choose size-1.

[begin python code]
from bisect import bisect
from random import random

def draw(weights):
    sigma = 0.0
    ps = []
    for p in weights:
        sigma += p
    return (ps,random()*sigma)

def choose(size, skew):
    skew=0 gives uniform distribution
    skew=1 gives linear, skew = 2 quadratic, and so on.
    weights = [i**skew for i in range(size)]
    return draw(weights)
[end python code]


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