On Sun, 2007-09-30 at 12:41 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
> >>   4. correctness of random move selection strategy.
> > 
> > Pick a random empty position.  If illegal or eye-filling, remove from
> > consideration the list and repeat.
> Same basic idea.   I start by taking all filled points and removing them
> from consider but I reinitialize after a capture.

The wording sounds like it may be wrong, and the implementation may be
tricky.  You start will all points and remove the filled points?  If a
selected move is illegal due to suicide, will you consider it again on
later moves prior to a capture?  Rejecting eye-filling moves from future
consideration seems ok, but only if it's rejected for only a single move
color... It could be the key capture play later.

> >> I just thought of something.   I think I initialize the statistics array
> >> with 1 draw per move as a cheesy way to avoid divide by zero error.
> >> Could this be affecting the performance?   Perhaps at low levels like
> >> this it has a noticeable effect?    Would it make the program especially
> >> vulnerable to an identical program that doesn't do this?
> > 
> > Draw?  Is that a valid outcome of your random simulations?  I would
> > assume your counters would be integers (and a draw value of 1/2 wouldn't
> > work).
> A win is 1 and a loss is -1  so I set all the game counters to 1 - which
> is like a draw.   Of course in the simulations a draw can never happen.

This seems strange to me.  I guess you sum up all simulation results and
count how many simulations there were?  It sounds like if you did that,
the winning rate would be (result_sum + num_sims)/(2 * num_sims)... or
0.5 + (result_sum/num_sims).  It seems a little odd to me, but it works.

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