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I'm starting to get curious.  What are you doing that is causing it to
win 11 out of 11 against genAnchor_1k and yet it's only 113 ELO
stronger?    And it's supposedly an identical program?    I don't think
it's actually identical and I don't trust that you did everything the
same.   Of course I could have a bug too,  but it doesn't explain why
your program is much weaker than the results against genAnchor would

How many all-as-first moves are you considering?   What are the possible

  1. eye rule
  2. number of all-as-first moves  (7/8 for me + 1)
  3. quality of RNG
  4. correctness of random move selection strategy.
  5. depth at which you stop a game.  (about 1000 moves for me.)
  6. stopping rule.  (both program have no non-eye filling moves.)

I just thought of something.   I think I initialize the statistics array
with 1 draw per move as a cheesy way to avoid divide by zero error.
Could this be affecting the performance?   Perhaps at low levels like
this it has a noticeable effect?    Would it make the program especially
vulnerable to an identical program that doesn't do this?

- - Don

Jason House wrote:
> Statistically speaking, I can say with 99.9% confidence that
> hb-amaf-1k-v2 is stronger than genAnchor-1k.  No need to wait any longer
> to conclude that :)  The math to compute the one-tailed p-value for
> rejecting the null hypothesis that the bots are the same strength is
> left as an exercise for the reader ;)
> On Sat, 2007-09-29 at 07:20 -0700, steve uurtamo wrote:
>>> Strangely enough, it now appears that hb-amaf-1k-v2 is significantly
>>> stronger than genAnchor-1k, defeating it 9 out of 9 times.  I still have
>>> to wonder what the cause of the strength difference is.
>> now is the time to just let it run for a few weeks and check on the
>> stats later.
>> s.
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