[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Harold Newman) writes:

> Still, though, sometimes useful things resist elegant implementation
> in CL. For example:
>   * I doubt CL can be customized to support a thread library nearly
>     as gracefully as languages designed around threading from the
>     ground up.

All CL implementations I know of have some kind of thread
support. Some have only green threads, some have native threads with
an internal big lock but AFAIK at least Corman Lisp and SBCL have real
native threads without an internal big lock. Threre are also quite
some libraries around (for Erlang like distributed multiprocessing and
some multithreading libraries that hide the different vendor
APIs). Although the ANSI Common Lisp standard says nothing about
threads all vendors seem to use the same semantics (i.e. for handling
of special variables in the context of multiple threads).

I'm not a big multitheading fan but I would say there is quite some
good support in Common Lisp for threads.

>   * For complicated code where a very expressive static type 
>     system for higher order functions is a good fit

Not for me. :)

I would say that strict static typing in the sense of the ML family of
languages (especially Haskell) is a question of personal
preference. These languages favour a completly different style of
development than languages of the Lisp family. If you are a static
type, you will never be really happy with CL. If you are a dynamic
type you will never be really happy with Haskell. If you are in
between, use both. :)

Until the next mail...,

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