Dave Dyer wrote:
> Languages like SQL and Prolog don't specify algorithms, they describe
> the desired result.  I agree that the quality of compilers that turn these
> specifications into algorithms can improve dramatically, and that
> this kind of specification is a great way to increase the productivity
> of programming languages.
> Getting back to go.... In my dreams I could write 
>       "select groups where safety<alpha and size<beta and color=black"

At a company where I once worked we used sql-like commands to get
information about the status of customers.   The information was not in
sql databases,  we just used sql as an abstraction.    I guess in a way,
there WERE in sql databases because I don't believe the sql standard
dictates how data is stored or represented internally.   

So what you propose, even if tongue in cheek,  is certainly possible.   
You could wrap a sql parser around your go program and use sql to access
it.    We could use sql instead of GTP!     Brilliant!     Each program
is like a little sql server.

   select move from current_position order by evaluation desc limit 1;

The abstraction is that your little sql server, your go program, 
represent every legal position possible.   So you could do any kind of
query over all positions.  

- Don

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