On Jan 30, 2008 4:35 PM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Heikki Levanto wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 03:23:35PM -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
> >
> >> Having said that,  I am interested in this.  Is there something that
> >> totally prevents the program from EVER seeing the best move?    I don't
> >> mean something that takes a long time,  I mean something that has the
> >> theoretical property that it's impossible to every find the best move,
> >> even given eternity?
> >>
> >
> > Someone, I think it was Gunnar, pointed out that something like this:
> >
> > 5 | # # # # # #
> > 4 | + + + + + #
> > 3 | O O O O + #
> > 2 | # # + O + #
> > 1 | # + # O + #
> >   -------------
> >     a b c d e f
> >
> > Here black (#) must play at b1 to kill white (O). If white gets to move
> > first, he can live with c2, and later making two eyes by capturing at
> b1.
> >
> > Depending on the definitions, b1 can be seen as an 'eyelike' point, and
> will
> > not be considered in any playouts. No amount of UCT-tree bashing will
> make
> > the program play it.
> >
> You are totally incorrect about this.     First of all, saying that "no
> amount of UCT-tree bashing will discover this move"  invalidates all the
> research and subsequent proofs done by researchers.   You may want
> publish your own findings on this and see how well it flies.

Actually, I think you're "totally incorrect".  (Please try to be kinder when
responding to others?)

Regardless of the exact example, _if_ pruning rules exclude a move, then an
engine will never play it.  That means that for that situation, they're not
scalable.  That may be a big if but will definitely affect some bot
implementations.  Progressive widening and soft-pruning rules probably get
around this kind of limitation.
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