You are right.  I don't do progressive widening.


Gian-Carlo Pascutto: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> I also implemented RAVE in Mango. There was a few points of improvements
>> (around 60 Elo points with gnugo as reference), but as much as in the
>> paper of Gelly and Silver :( (around 250 Elo points if I remember well)
>> It might be that the effect of RAVE depends a lot on the simulation
>> strategy. Indeed, sometimes my RAVE was playing very good moves but also
>> very bad ones.
>I don't think the simulation strategy is the key.
>I suspect the improvement is largest when you don't do progressive widening.
>Nevertheless it would be quite interesting to see the implementation
>details of ggmc's RAVE. RAVE performance is quite dependent on exact
>implementation and parameters.
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