On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 14:38 +0200, Magnus Persson wrote:
> Here is my take on joseki and fuseki in computer programs.
> My older program Viking, had a quite nice patternmatching feature  
> which matched the entire board or smaller parts of it towards a  
> database of 50k games or so. It makes it play nice but as far as I  
> could tell it had no impact on the strength of the program.
> With 9x9 I have used many systems learned or handmade, but it all  
> boils down to that as been said earlier. It only works for a program  
> that does not change, since it overfits its own strengths and  
> weaknesses.

Yes, even in chess it seems to be best if you match the book to the
program.    In go it is perhaps not good to even try with a rapidly
changing program.

- Don

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