On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 12:40 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
> > Xiao Ai Lin, 1p vs LeelaBot
> >
> > This game did happen. It was not meant as a challenge, but as a
> > friendly game to get an idea of what can be done to develop the
> > leading programs on 9x9. It was relayed to the cinema-screen as a
> > warm-up before MoGo's game.
> >
> > I will be back with the review as an SGF-file, that is what I managed
> > to note from her review.
> Thanks. I tried to analyze with Leela, but it thinks for a long time black
> still has chances and only starts dropping a bit after a long think. It
> would not have resigned in this position. Looking at the SGF I see white
> was about to lose on time.
> I have the nagging feeling Leela's operator "resigned" on behalf of the
> program to prevent the computer from winning on time in what was probably
> an objectively a lost position.

I hope that didn't happen.  Otherwise, should have not played with

- Don

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