> AIUI, once upon N simulations in a node you take let's say the node with
> the lowest value, pick one son of it at random within the tree and start
> a simulation?

I'll try to write it clearly (for binary deterministic games, extensions can
be shown but they are too long and out of topic in this mailing list I guess
:-) ):
If (average value of father < threshold )
        randomly pick up one son
       pick up the son with maximum score
If the score is asymptotically equivalent to the success rate, and if the
threshold is >0 and < 1, then this ensures
consistency (convergence to optimal move). If the score is well done, then
this is consistent without visiting all the tree.

UCT (with non-zero constant) visits all the tree, and does so infinitely
UCT (with zero constant) does not visit all the tree, but it is not
necessarily consistent.

Wow - one of my planned little projects was genetic development of the
> 3x3 patterns... To evaluate patterns, do you use tournaments or some
> smarter method? I feared one generation would take awfully long...

We use a stupid method, i.e. the success rate. The pattenrs are bigger than
3x3, with jokers in them. Bandits (Bernstein races, slightly modified) are
for distributing the computational effort among the tested patterns.

Best regards,
computer-go mailing list

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