So far I have not criticised but asked questions. I am a great fan of the
expert system approach because a) I have studied go knowledge a lot and
see, in principle, light at the end of the tunnel, b) I think that "MC +
expert system" or "only expert system" can be better than MC if the expert
system is well designed, c) an expert system can, in principle, provide
more meaningful insight for us human duffers than an MC because the expert
system can express itself in terms of reasoning. (Disclaimer: There is a
good chance that I will criticise anybody presenting his definitions for
use in an expert system. But who does not dare to be criticised does not

MC is currently stagnating, so looking at new (or old discarded) approaches
has become more attractive again.
But I don't think that a "classic" rules based system will be of much use
from here. It is just too far removed from MC concepts to be productively
integrated into an MC system. And no matter what, MC has to be the starting
point, because it is so much more effective than anything else that has
been tried.What you are left to work with, is the trail of statistics that
MC leaves behind. That is the only tunnel with a possible end to it that I
see. And who knows, maybe someone will find statistical properties that can
be usefully mapped back to human concepts of go.
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